I am Chhel Chhen, Cambidia. I
have done my Bachelor in Agricultural Technology and Management in
Agricultural Economics and Rural Development and Master Integrated Management of Agricultural and Rural
Development at Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) of Cambodia.
had participated in different short courses in Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
and Japan on off-season Vegetable Production, Agricultural Development for Sustainable
Sufficiency Economy, Rural Credit and Capacity Building for marketing.
have been working for the Government of Cambodia since 2000, presently; I hold
the position of Deputy Director of Pailin Provincial Department of Agriculture
under Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries. My major responsibilities
are to advise, monitoring and evaluate to Agronomy Office, Agriculture
Extension Office, Agro-Industry Office and Machinery Office .
I'm studying the Master’s degree program in Agricultural rural development in
Hankyong National University, Korea, through KOICA scholarship program.